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Details of the offer

Voucher valid at Sephora, the ultimate beauty destination offering a wide range of makeup, skincare, fragrances, and more. Featuring top brands and exclusive products, Sephora caters to all your beauty needs. Use your voucher to explore new trends, discover your favorites, and indulge in a personalized shopping experience.

eGift Cards are redeemable only for merchandise sold in U.S. Sephora stores, on for U.S. orders only, through the U.S. Sephora App, or at Sephora inside JCPenney stores. Not refundable or redeemable for cash except as required by law. The value of this card will not be replaced if the card is lost, stolen, altered, destroyed or used without authorization. Does not expire. If your purchase exceeds the balance, you must pay the difference. You may not add value to an eGift Card. Card is issued by and is the obligation solely of LGCS Inc. You expressly release Sephora USA, Inc. and its affiliates other than LGCS Inc. for any and all liability with respect to this card. Complete terms and conditions (including arbitration agreement) are posted at Purchase, use, or acceptance of this card constitutes acceptance of its terms and conditions, which may change. For store locations, orders, or card balance inquiries, please visit or call 1-888-860-7897. 2020 LGCS Inc. All rights reserved.
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