Privacy Policy

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Last modified: September 2024

Maximiles, the online opinion platform, has been designed to guarantee the utmost confidentiality of your personal data.

Your information is processed in accordance with the terms of this Privacy Policy, which we advise you to read carefully.

As we are concerned about respecting your privacy, we undertake to ensure that the processing of your personal data is carried out in accordance with the law applicable in your State (hereinafter referred to as the "Data Protection Act") and Regulation (EU) 2016/679 of 27 April 2016 known as the "European General Data Protection Regulation" (hereinafter referred to as the "GDPR").

By way of introduction, it is specified that all words beginning with a capital letter in this document and which are not defined have the meaning given to them in the General Conditions of Use available at the following address:


1. Identity and contact details of the data controller

The data controller is BILENDI LTD a company incorporated in England and Wales under number 03762049 whose registered office is at 8 HOLYROOD STREET, LONDON, SE1 2EL, United Kingdom.


2. What personal data do we collect? 

2.1 Personal data collected

2.1.1 Your membership of the Opinion Platform

When you join the Opinion Platform, on the Site or the Application, we collect and process the following personal data concerning your Membership:

  • your civil identity and contact details that you provide when registering as a Member, such as email address, title, gender, first name, surname, postcode, postal address and country,
  • your login and password to access the Site and the Application,
  • all the answers you have given to the qualification questionnaires linked to the creation of your Member profile, which may include sensitive data such as racial/ethnic data, health data and data relating to your political opinions and religious beliefs,
  • your methods or tools for accessing the Opinion Platform, such as the technical characteristics of your computer, smartphone or tablet,
  • your connections to our services, such as IP address, GAID, IDFA,
  • information about your subscription to various services, such as surveys, newsletters or SMS invitations
  • information concerning your Points statement and your Rewards, such as the number and origin of Points accumulated, and their conversion into Rewards,

Geo-location data. The Site or the Application will request your permission to obtain geo-location information from your mobile device, and such geo-location information may be provided by the Site or the Application at any time, whether the Site or the Application is open or not. If you consent to sharing your geo-location data, Bilendi will also use your location information to offer you the option to participate in location-based surveys and market research and/or to share such geolocation data with third party clients to demonstrate certain location and/or traffic patterns of Site or the Application participants. In addition, Bilendi may share your geo-location data with third party vendors to generate surveys for market research and for other research from aggregated location patterns.

Geo-location data also may be used by ad networks to provide you with location-based advertising. The ad networks' use of data, and how to opt out, are described in more detail below.

2.1.2 Your participation in Surveys

If you no longer wish to share your geo-location data through your device, please change the privacy settings in your device for the Site or the Application.

As part of your participation in Surveys, the only information we collect about you is your IP address, your connection data and your paradata (e.g. how long the survey took to answer).The Surveys to which we invite you to respond are the responsibility of our Research Partners.

The aim of our Research Partners is to process your responses in aggregate form for statistical analysis purposes. Consequently, we do not transfer your name, email address or telephone number to them.

Unless you give your explicit consent in the Survey, the Study Partner must not collect any personal data.

From time to time, Survey Partners may collect your IP address (which may constitute personal data) or other personal data when you respond to their Surveys. In this case, we ask our Study Partners to obtain your prior consent and to give you all the information required concerning the processing of personal data that they carry out (nature of the personal information collected, purpose(s) of the processing, etc.). The Study Partners are solely responsible for the processing they carry out.

In order to protect the confidentiality and integrity of our Study Partners' projects, you must not divulge the information contained in the Surveys.

2.1.3 Audience analysis 

We may process your personal data on behalf of our Research Partners for the purposes of audience analysis. The only personal data we process in this context are cookie identifiers. 

Research Partners may subsequently use the results of Audience Analysis to develop similar audience segments and target these audience segments. 

These analyses may be used for research into the effectiveness of online advertising, website monitoring and audience measurement, to develop audience segments and/or similarity models for marketing campaigns in order to optimize advertising and other content.

The Research Partners are solely responsible for data processing carried out for the purposes of Audience Analysis, as well as any subsequent processing they carry out.

2.2. Cookies

As part of your browsing and use of the Site and Application, we collect information that may be personal data using cookies and similar technologies. For more information on the cookies used on the Maximiles Site and Application, please consult our cookies policy, which can be accessed here.

2.3 Consequences of failing to provide your Personal Data

If you refuse or fail to provide us with information concerning your Membership (e.g. your email address, surname, first name, date of birth, postcode) you cannot become a Member.

All the personal data collected concerning your Membership is essential to the conclusion of the Contract. Once you have become a Member, the provision of your personal data is contractual in nature.


3. What are the purposes of collecting and processing your personal data? 

3.1 As part of your Membership of the Opinion Platform, we use your personal data to:

  • allow you to register and provide you with the services of the Opinion Platform,
  • inform you of updates to the Opinion Platform,
  • identify you and enable you to access and use the Opinion Platform,
  • create and analyze your profile and/or your use of the Site and the Application in order to send you relevant invitations and information,
  • to invite you to take part in our Research Partners' Surveys, depending on your profile, and to offer you the chance to earn Points,
  • deal with your requests and complaints,
  • administer, manage and allocate Points, including sending you a Points transaction statement and making bank transfers,
  • manage and dispatch Rewards,
  • monitor your satisfaction,
  • improve the ergonomics of the Site and the Application,
  • improve and monitor the quality of our services,
  • send you our Newsletter and our messages containing information, promotions and offers, personalized or otherwise,
  • allow you to take part in the sponsorship programme.

Profiling enables us to limit the number of e-mails we send you in order to ensure a good user experience. In accordance with the regulations, you have the right not to be the subject of a decision based exclusively on automated processing, including profiling. Please see article 9 "How can you exercise your rights regarding your personal data" below.

3.2 As part of your participation in Opinion Platform Surveys, we use your personal data to:

  • analyze your paradata for specific research projects,
  • provide you with a better survey experience,
  • to improve and monitor the quality of our services,
  • ensure the safety and security of the Opinion Platform and the Site,
  • detect and prevent fraud, including by establishing files of persons suspected of fraud,
  • avoid data deletions and exclusions, in particular to prevent the same person carrying out the same survey more than once.

3.3 We only collect personal data that is adequate, relevant and limited to what is necessary for the purposes for which it is processed. These purposes are specific and legitimate and, under no circumstances, will your data be further processed in a manner incompatible with these purposes, except with your prior consent.

3.4 For full information on the processing of your personal data by all our Partners, we recommend that you consult their Privacy Policy available on their website.


4. What are the legal bases for our processing operations?

Depending on the case, we process your personal data in our capacity as data controller, in order to carry out pre-contractual or contractual measures, on the basis of your consent, our legitimate interest or to comply with legal obligations:

  • contract (performance of pre-contractual measures/performance of the contract): We process your personal data on the basis of the performance of pre-contractual measures or the performance of the Contract in order to (i) register you and connect you to the Opinion Platform, (ii) process and respond to your requests and complaints, (iii) administer and manage your Points, to (iv) manage and ship your Rewards, (v) carry out bank transfers, (vi) to enable you to participate in the sponsorship programme, (vii) to provide you with the services of the Opinion Platform, (viii) to analyze your profile and your use of the Site and the Application in order, in particular, to select you to take part in our Research Partners' Surveys, (ix) to invite you to take part in our Partners' Surveys and programmes.
  • Legitimate interest: in certain cases, we process your personal data in our legitimate interest, provided that we do not disregard your interest or your fundamental rights and freedoms. This is the case, for example, in order to (i) inform you of updates and services on the Opinion Platform, (ii) monitor your satisfaction, (iii) improve the ergonomics of the Site and the Application, (iv) send you our Newsletter and information or promotional messages for products and services similar to those for which you have registered, (v) provide you with a better survey experience, (vi) ensure the safety and security of the Opinion Platform and the Site, (vii) detect and prevent fraud, (vii) to detect and prevent fraud, including by establishing files of persons suspected of fraud, (viii) to prevent the deletion and exclusion of data, in particular to prevent the same person completing the same Survey more than once, (ix) to improve and monitor the quality of our services, (x) to carry out sociological research, (xi) to analyze your paradata for specific research projects, (xii) to provide our Partners with our services for the purposes of market research, opinion research and sociological research, (xiii) to compile anonymous statistical data.  
  • legal obligations: we may be required to process your personal data in order to comply with legal, regulatory, judicial or administrative obligations, and in particular in the context of (i) the management of our general accounts and our tax obligations, and (ii) the management of your IT rights and freedoms.


5. Who can access your personal data?

Your personal data may be passed on to the following people:

  • employees of Bilendi or its subsidiaries who need to access it, and employees of certain service providers or subcontractors (including chartered accountants, statutory auditors, IT development companies, technology services companies, companies providing and delivering Rewards services on the Opinion Platform);

To date, the list of our service providers or subcontractors is available by clicking here:

Service providers and partners Activity Privacy policy
Bilendi Technology SARL Hosting Available here
Dateos SARL Web development Available here
Badtech SAS Web development Available here
Bilendi SA Marketing research Available here
Bilendi GmbH Marketing research Available here
Bilendi Schweiz Marketing research Available here
Bilendi A/S Marketing research Available here
Bilendi AB Marketing research Available here
Bilendi OY Marketing research Available here
Bilendi Services Ltd Marketing research Available here
iVOX Bv Marketing research Available here
Bilendi Italy Marketing research Available here
Bilendi España Marketing research Available here
respondi Ltd Marketing research Available here
Bilendi Netherlands Marketing research Available here


  • to public or judicial authorities in order to comply with a legal or regulatory obligation or a court order;
  • to our Research Partners, but only in pseudonymized form. All information concerning your identity or profile is removed before any data is communicated to our Research Partners. This means that we will assign an identifier to your profile to which your data will be attached, enabling us to invite you to targeted surveys. As a result, our Research Partners will not be able to link your personal data such as surname, first name, physical address and e-mail address that you provided when you signed up, as we do not transmit this data;
  • to an acquirer or transferee of our company, in the event of a merger, acquisition or takeover or in the event of the transfer of our company's assets.


Please note, Bilendi may allow a client to collect personal data directly from respondents. The disclosure is voluntary and, prior to collection, the client is required to enter into a written agreement with Bilendi, which, among other things, limits use of the personal data.

Bilendi may license certain personal data to third parties (e.g., data brokers, data aggregators, etc.) for their own Non-Research Purposes, including, without limitation, the licensing of individual-level and/or aggregated-level data (e.g., product and/or service purchasing or usage activity, social media activity, website visitation data, internet search history, etc.) for the development of audience insights and/or look-alike models, for the purpose of sale of such data to the third party's clients/customers for the purpose of performing analytics and providing marketing intelligence and/or to enable such third party to market its products/services to you.

In connection with your survey data, Bilendi or the client may associate certain demographic attributes to you. Bilendi may share with third parties, including but not limited to clients, the geographic and/or demographic data Bilendi collects from you during enrolment or through certain profile questions Bilendi may ask you. Such data may be shared with third parties on an individual respondent level or aggregate summary form (i.e. a group of respondents). If you voluntarily disclose personal data in connection with your survey data and responses, and Bilendi collects the survey data and responses, Bilendi will transfer the survey data and responses, and the voluntarily disclosed personal data to the relevant Bilendi client.

6. Where is your personal data 

The servers hosting your personal data are located in France.


7. Security measures

We implement all appropriate rules and procedures to secure access to, and consultation of, your personal data, and in particular to prevent it from being distorted, damaged or accessed by unauthorized third parties.

As a market research company, we respect the best practices of this market, in particular the strict rules of ESOMAR (European Society for Opinion and Marketing Research) on data protection, which are enshrined in the "ICC/ESOMAR International Code of Market and Opinion Research". In addition, the various companies in the BILENDI Group are members of national market research federations in several countries. These federations strictly regulate the protection and use of your data.


8. How long will your personal data be kept?

Your personal data is kept only for as long as is necessary for the purposes for which it was collected. The retention periods applied to data are proportionate to the purposes for which they were collected.

As a matter of principle, we keep your personal data for the duration of the Contract, i.e. for as long as you are a Member.

We may archive your personal data for documentary and evidential purposes during the statutory limitation periods.


9. How can you exercise your rights regarding your personal data?

9.1 General information

You have various rights in relation to the processing of your personal data: a right of access, a right of rectification, a right of erasure and objection, a right to limit processing, a right to data portability, a right not to be subject to an automated individual decision (including profiling), a right to erasure and the right to define directives concerning the fate of your data after your death.

If, despite all the care we take to protect your personal data, you believe that your rights have not been respected, you have the right to lodge a complaint with the competent authority for any failure on our part to comply with the legislation and regulations in force.

9.2 Terms and conditions of exercise

Access to your Personal Data

To exercise your right of access to your personal data that we process, you can do so by clicking on this link.

Rectify your Personal Data

When you registered for the Opinion Platform, you completed a registration form and you may have completed a qualification questionnaire. You may modify your answers at any time in accordance with applicable laws and regulations.

Stop receiving our newsletters

If, at any time, you no longer wish to receive our Newsletters or any other service, or if you no longer wish to be contacted by us, you can :

  • use the link provided for this purpose in each of the newsletters and advertising emails you receive,
  • modify your profile in the "My account" section of our Site,
  • send your request by e-mail to the following address:, together with your username, e-mail address and postal address, or
  • send your request by post to the address given in article 11 below by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, together with your username, email address and postal address.

Withdrawing your consent, objecting to processing, limiting processing, deleting your Account or exercising any other right relating to your personal data

If you wish to withdraw your consent to the processing of your personal data, object to the processing of your personal data, restrict the processing of your personal data, and/or delete your Account, this will result in the termination of your Contract in accordance with article 12.1 of the General Conditions of Use.

To exercise these or any other rights in relation to your personal data, you can:

  • go directly to the Site 
  • send your request by e-mail to the following address:, together with your username, e-mail address and postal address, or
  • send your request by post to the address given in article 11 below  by registered letter with acknowledgement of receipt, together with your username, email address and postal address.

If we have reasonable doubts about your identity, we may ask you for your login, your email address, your postal address and/or a copy of your ID.


10. Changes to our privacy policy

Our Site and Application are constantly being improved and updated.

We may amend the confidentiality policy from time to time, in particular to comply with any regulatory, legal, editorial or technical developments.

In such a case, we will inform you by any means of this modification and the date appearing at the top of the document will be modified and we will seek your agreement in accordance with the conditions set out in our General Conditions of Use.


11. Any further questions?

We want to be as clear as possible about the confidentiality of your personal data. If you have any further questions, please do not hesitate to contact us:

  • via our contact form,
  • by email to the following address:, or
  • by letter to the following postal address BILENDI, 8 HOLYROOD STREET, LONDON, SE1 2EL, United Kingdom





Your Rights

Pursuant to your applicable state’s privacy laws and regulations (the “Applicable Law”), (including the California Consumer Protection Act of 2018 ("CCPA") for California residents), and subject to certain exceptions and limitations, you can contact Bilendi to exercise the rights described below with respect to certain personal information that Bilendi holds about them. To the extent those rights apply to you, they are described below. 

Bilendi also handles certain personal information on behalf of Bilendi customers. You should contact those customers to exercise any rights you may have with respect to that personal information.

Right to Know About Personal Information Collected, Disclosed, or Sold

You have the right to request that we provide you with details about the personal information we collect, use, disclose and sell. You can submit a verifiable consumer request by sending an email to

Bilendi reserves the right to verify your identity to our satisfaction, including by asking you to log into your account if you have one.

You are entitled to receive the following:

  • The categories of your personal information that Bilendi has collected in the preceding 12 months
  • The categories of sources from which that information was collected
  • The business/commercial purpose for the collection or selling
  • The categories of third parties with whom Bilendi shares personal information
  • The specific pieces of personal information Bilendi has collected about you (subject to some exceptions)

Because Bilendi may have disclosed or sold (as those words are defined in the Applicable Law) personal information to third parties in the last 12 months, you are also entitled to receive:

  • The categories of personal information that Bilendi has disclosed or sold in the past 12 months

Right to Request Deletion of Personal Information

You have the right to request deletion of the personal information we have collected about you (subject to some exceptions). You can submit your request as described above, and we reserve the right to conduct the verification described above.

Right to Non-Discrimination for the Exercise of a Consumer’s Privacy Rights

You have the right not to receive unlawful discriminatory treatment by Bilendi for the exercise of your privacy rights under the Applicable Law.

Right to Opt-Out of Sale of Personal Information or to Limit the Use and Disclosure of Sensitive Personal Information

You have the right to opt-out of the sale of your personal information or to limit the use and disclosure of sensitive personal information by Bilendi. You can submit a verifiable consumer request by sending an email to 

List of Categories of Personal Information to be Collected and May Have Been Sold or Disclosed

Categories of Personal Information Collected

Bilendi collects personal information from research participants during and after registration with a panel, including, without limitation, during participation in a survey and in connection with the receipt and redemption of rewards and incentives and/or during the Application/Services registration and download process.

The categories of personal information we may collect include

"Identifiers" such as

  • Name
  • Address(es)
  • Telephone number(s) (including home, cell, and/or business telephone numbers)
  • Email address(es)
  • Date of birth
  • Internet Protocol address
  • Unique device identification number (such as identifiers for analytics or advertising)
  • Network provider user ID (a number uniquely allocated to you by your network provider)
  • Media Access Control (MAC) address
  • International Mobile Equipment Identity
  • Unique cookie identifiers
  • Internet or other electronic network activity information, and other information collected through automated means (more detail can be found here), such as:
    • Information about your device (e.g., device operating system, the other applications on your device, device network provider, device type, time zone, network status, browser type, browser identifier and other information that alone or in combination may be used to uniquely identify your device)
    • Geolocation
    • Cookies and similar technology
    • Social media information
    • Log files
    • Digital fingerprinting
    • Watermarking
    • Browsing activity
  • Other behavioral information
  • Professional or employment-related information, including occupation
  • Education information
  • Additional content/material you submit, including photos, videos and/or similar content
  • Characteristics of potentially protected classifications under California, federal or international law (e.g., health and medical conditions, sexual orientation or sexual life, political opinions/views, race/ethnic origin, gender, religious and philosophical beliefs and trade-union membership)
  • Other medical information
  • Demographic information
  • "Sensitive personal information" as defined by Applicable Law

All of the information above was collected for the purposes described in article 3.1 above. In Applicable Law terms, these purposes, which are described further in that section of our Privacy Policy, include but are not limited to the following examples:

  • Auditing related to a current interaction with you and concurrent transactions, including, but not limited to, counting ad impressions to unique visitors, verifying positioning and quality of ad impressions, and auditing compliance with the Applicable Law and other standards;
  • Detecting security incidents, protecting against malicious, deceptive, fraudulent, or illegal activity, and prosecuting those responsible for that activity;
  • Debugging to identify and repair errors that impair existing intended functionality;
  • Short-term, transient uses;
  • Performing or using services, including maintaining or servicing accounts, providing customer service, processing or fulfilling orders and transactions, verifying customer information, processing payments, providing financing, providing or using advertising or marketing services, providing or using analytic services, or providing or using similar services;
  • Undertaking internal research for technological development and demonstration;
  • Undertaking activities to verify or maintain the quality or safety of services and devices, and to improve, upgrade, or enhance services and devices; and
  • Facilitating the operational purposes of Bilendi or our service providers.

Categories of Personal Information that May Have Been Sold

Bilendi may have sold all of the above categories of personal information in the last 12 months.

Categories of Personal Information that Were Disclosed

Bilendi may have disclosed all of the above categories of personal information in the last 12 months.

Categories of Third Parties with whom Personal Information may have been Shared

Please see article 5 above.


Who can I contact with questions about this Policy?

If you wish to:

- receive a copy of the information we hold about you;

- communicate an opt-out request to Bilendi;

- request access to, or the correction, blocking or deletion of, your personal data;

- make a complaint about our privacy practice;

- appeal an action we take with regard to a consumer request

- opt out of certain uses of your personal data

or have any questions regarding Bilendi's privacy practices and/or this Policy, please contact us via email at

Bilendi's Legal Department is responsible for Bilendi's compliance with this Privacy Policy.